For the work tables, charts and macros Insert a new worksheet: SHIFT + F11 Create a chart using the current region: F11 or ALT + F1 Show that "macro" dialog box: ALT + F8 Shows that "Visual Basic Editor": ALT + F11 Insert Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheet: CTRL + F11 Move to the next workbook in a worksheet: CTRL + PAGE DOWN Moved to the workbook in a worksheet: CTRL + PAGE UP Select the current workbook and a worksheet: SHIFT + CTRL + PAGE DOWN Select the current workbook or a workbook: SHIFT + CTRL + PAGE UP Select the chart sheet Choose the next workbook in a worksheet: CTRL + PAGE DOWN Select the workbook in a worksheet: CTRL + PAGE UP, END, SHIFT + ENTER Worksheet used to enter data Completion of the cell input and the downward movement of the selected region: ENTER Folding in the cell line: ALT + ENTER Filled with the current input of the selected range: CTRL + ENTER Completion of the cell input and the selected region on the move: SHIFT + ENTER Completion of the cell input and shifted to right in the selected region: TAB Completion of the cell input and in selected regions of the left: SHIFT + TAB Cancel input cell: ESC Delete character left of insertion point, or delete the selected regions: BACKSPACE The right of insertion point To delete characters, or to delete the selected region: DELETE Insertion point to delete the text at the end of the line: CTRL + DELETE To move up and down about a character: the arrow keys The first line to: HOME Repeat the last operation: F4 or CTRL + Y Cell endorsement editorial: SHIFT + F2 By rows or columns to create name signs: CTRL + SHIFT + F3 Fill down: CTRL + D Filled to the right: CTRL + R The definition of the name: CTRL + F3 Setting Data Format Show "Style" dialog box: ALT + '(apostrophe) Show "format cells" dialog box: CTRL +1 Application of "conventional" digital format: CTRL + SHIFT + ~ Application with two decimal places of the "currency" format: CTRL + SHIFT + $ Decimal places without the application of the "percentage" format: CTRL + SHIFT +% Application with two decimal places of the "scientific notation" in digital format: CTRL + SHIFT + ^ Application date, "date" format: CTRL + SHIFT + # Application of hours and minutes "time" format, and indicate morning or afternoon: CTRL + SHIFT + @ Application of separator 1000 and a negative with a negative sign (-) said: CTRL + SHIFT +! Application outside the borders: CTRL + SHIFT + & Deleted outside the borders: CTRL + SHIFT + _ Application or cancellation of bold font formats: CTRL + B Application or cancellation of the font format tilt: CTRL + I Application or cancellation of the underlined format: CTRL + U Application or cancel the deletion of line format: CTRL +5 Hidden line: CTRL +9 Unhide line: CTRL + SHIFT + (left parenthesis Hide out: CTRL +0 (zero) Unhide out: CTRL + SHIFT +) right parenthesis |