1, you can specify any criteria for the parameter region, as long as it contains at least one out signs out signs and set the conditions for the bottom of the cell. For example, if the region A1: A2 in A1 shown signs included "species" in the name of apple contains A2, this region could be named as apple trees, then the database can function as a parameter using the name criteria. 2, although the conditions of the region can work anywhere on the table, but not to the conditions of the regional list at the bottom of the data. If the use of "data" menu in the "record a single" command added to the list in the data information, new information will be added in the data list on the first line below. If the data line below the list of non-empty, Microsoft Excel will not be able to add new information. 3, to determine the conditions of the region does not overlap with the data list. 4, the database to operate out of the whole, the conditions need to mark out areas to enter a blank line below. six, on the establishment of conditions In the above example, we briefly introduce the conditions for the establishment of the region, where detailed information on the use of advanced Excel data filter conditions approach. 1, the concept of Conditions refer to the restrictions specified in the results of inquiries or screening focused on what the record contains conditions. For example, the conditions of the above example to choose a "high" value of more than 10 fields of the record: high> 10. The list contains the data refers to a series of worksheets, such as, invoices, customer database or a group name and phone number. With the first line of the list of signs out. 2, the establishment of the conditions of the basic requirements for regional (1) In terms of regional data can be used as a list of at least three blank lines to insert. (2) the conditions of the region must have a sign out. (3) Make sure that the list of conditions and data values to remain between the at least one blank line. Such as in the above example A1: F3 is a condition of the region, which acts out the first signs, such as species, height. 3, conditions for the establishment of screening Out signs in the line below, type to match the conditions. All of the beginning of the text will be screened. For example, if you type the text "Dav" as a condition, Microsoft Excel will find "Davolio", "David" and "Davis". If we only match the specified text, can type the formula =''= text'', which the "text" is the need to find the text. If you're looking for some characters are not necessarily the same as the other characters in the text of the same value, you can use wildcards. Excel support for the wildcard: