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WORD skills
Word 2007 Columns Page Setting Skills
Finishing by: Date:2010-06-30 10:56:38 Popularity: Tags:

in respect of a document, currently set to two columns per page, and now the requirement is in each column are inserted below the corresponding page number, that is, the original first page is set to 1,2-page, second page of the set for the 3,4-page, and so on. Simple analysis of fact, the left column of page numbers can be the formula "the current page number ¡Á 2-1" obtained the right column of page numbers can be the formula "the current page number ¡Á 2" are, this article shows an example Word 2007 the specific steps are as follows:

Step 1: Switch to the "Page Layout" tab, do the "Columns ¡ú two columns" command, the current document split into two columns, the other demands, which can temporarily take the default settings, the effect as shown below :

Step 2: Switch to the "Insert" tab in the "footer" drop-down menu, select "Blank", then please add the page number in the position needed to draw the two text boxes, respectively, on the right column The text boxes can be obtained by copying, as shown below:

Step 3: Position the cursor in the text box, note that at this time please still switch to the "Insert" tab in the "Document Parts" drop-down menu, select "Domain" will pop up the dialog box shown below :

$ show_page $

in the "Category" drop-down list box, select the "equation and the formula" in the "domain name" list box, select "= (Formula)", please remember to remove the lower right corner of the "update to retain the original format of" complex box.

click "OK" button, then the text box would read! "formula at the end of exception", actually this is not wrong, but just a line field code, press "Alt + F9" key combination will display properly "(=)" prototype; the cursor in the "=" behind, to insert the "ID" in the "Page" field, please pay attention to still remove the "update to retain the original format" check box, and insert the field code after into "(= (PAGE))".

Step 4: Now we should be based on prior analysis, this has been changed into the field "(= (PAGE) * 2-1)", then again in the same way, the right-hand column Field code changed to "(= (PAGE) * 2)" (see chart).

After the completion of the work above, we can press "Alt + F9" key combination to view, please note that the two text boxes "lines" the color is set to "no color", as shown below:

If necessary, you can enter the page number of the before and after the "s" and "page", if it is a divided into three columns, then its respective field code should be set to "(= (PAGE) * 3 -2 }","{ = (PAGE) * 3-1) "and" (= (PAGE) * 3) ", and so on, you can set the page is divided into n columns.

Some cases, we may need to play only in odd-numbered pages in the page number, the order of one, two, three, four ..., but need to skip the even page, how can we achieve it? In fact, we can operate in accordance with the above approach, attention to the end of the field code should be set to "(= (PAGE \ * Arabicl) / 2 +0.5 \ * DBNUM3)" or "(= (int (PAGE \ 2) + 1)) "on it.
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