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WORD skills
trick Word use the skills of document 50 select skills quickly
Finishing by: Date:2009-04-03 20:52:15 Popularity: Tags:Word skills tutorial

Quick Selection techniques
1, rapid selected text

In the use of Word, the most frequently encountered is the text of the selected operation. In the Chinese version of Word can be selected through a variety of methods of operation to achieve. Drag the mouse in which methods are most commonly used, the following is a commonly used method of the selected text.

Select a paragraph: the mouse pointer to move to the left of the paragraph until the pointer to point to the arrow to the right, and then double-click. Or paragraphs in the three strike anywhere;

Selected number of paragraphs: the mouse pointer to move to the left of a paragraph, until the pointer to point to the arrow to the right, and then double-click and drag the mouse on or down;

Selected a large piece of text: click to select the beginning of the content, and then scroll to the end of the selected content, in holding down the Shift key while clicking.

Selected the whole document: the mouse pointer will be moved to document any of the left side of the body until the pointer to point to the arrow to the right, and then hit three;

Selected vertical text: Hold down the Alt key, then drag the mouse over the text to be selected.

2, rapid long text options

I wonder if you have found that when you want to select a length of more than screen text, word processor scroll too fast, it is difficult to correct once the election. Will now describe the choice of an effective method of paragraph text; this technique can be used for all the word processor, because it is a basic Windows function. Click you want to select the beginning. Use the cursor keys instead of scrolling down the document until you see the end of part you want to select. Press the Shift key, then click the text you want to light marked the end.

3, multi-page Quick Selection

Word window in the status bar at the bottom of the document not only shows the current status, there is a right, in its "expansion" function, usually it is white light that is not "not activated", as long as double-click with the mouse to activate. Drag with the mouse to select some text, we often can not make an accurate selection of the scope, especially when the scope of more than a screen, then "expand" function, there has used the following method:

(1) first place the mouse cursor the beginning of the selection;
(2) Double-click the status bar of the "expansion" button, open the "expansion" function;
(3) Click the scroll bar frame of the mobile button, such as the page, before and after the adjustment operation;
(4) the scope of the cursor to the end so that you can select a large range.

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