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PDF Production Editor
The way the production of PDF
Finishing by:longwind Date:2009-03-31 15:58:42 Popularity: Tags:production
2, from the Postscript page description language that contains the file conversion generation.
this method is more complicated, not recommended.
Acrobat Distiller is a Postscript file to be converted to PDF files for high-end PDF file generator. It can be through OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) or Postscript command to control. Produced by Acrobat Distiller source PDF file to retain the entire contents of the document, including format, graphics and images. The effect of this conversion by printing more than the effective conversion. Postscript file PDF file than the advantage of being able to compress images and text, so that the documents have a much smaller than the Postscript file. When using Acrobat Distiller parameters can be set for the specified text and image optimization, conversion and compression. Parameters include four categories:
general parameters. Acrobat is used to specify the version with other PDF documents and other file format compatibility, device attributes (display precision, optimization) and so on. Can be compatible with Acrobat3.0/4.0. If you choose the time of conversion only with Acrobat 4.0 compatibility, the generated PDF documents may not be compatible with previous versions of Acrobat. These commonly used parameters:
/CompatibilityLevel: real number type, PDF version. 1.2 or 1.3.
/CompressPages: Boolean type, allow compressed files page.
/EndPage: integer type, the last page of special treatment.
/ImageMemory: integer type, the designated color image, gray when the buffer size used. If the buffer is full, the disk will be used in exchange for the district.
/Optimize: boolean type, specify whether to optimize PDF documents.
/UseFlateCompression: Boolean type, the specified compression algorithm. If true, the use of ZIP compression, compression or the use of L ZW.
compression parameters. PDF document in a variety of text, lines can be compressed, the color bitmap file, gray sample can also be compressed. The actual choice depends on you. These options determine the generated PDF file after the accuracy of the size and display. Can specify the automatic compression, JPEG and ZIP compression. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) compression is suitable for continuous tone photographs, since the accuracy of such images are generally more than screen display and printing accuracy. However, JPEG is a lossy compression, image quality will be reduced. ZIP compression for monochrome or contains a large repeat region image compression, such as mapping software with hand-made images. Acrobat provides 4 and 8 of the ZIP compression option. ZIP method is lossless, but the use of four ZIP compressed 8-bit image will affect the image quality, because the data will be lost.
parameters. Distiller allows for Type1 and True Type fonts under control. This ensures that the font used in PDF documents has nothing to do with the machine, and regardless of whether the appropriate fonts installed fonts can be displayed accurately.
color parameters. The effect of the impact of the color conversion. Parameters commonly used colors:/ColorCoversionStrategy: specify the color change of strategy.
/sRGBProfile: related or unrelated to the equipment is converted to RGB color format.
/PreserveHalftoneInfo: Boolean type, specify whether to preserve in the PDF document halftoning information.
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