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Typesetting and printing
PDF documents and printing color management
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PDF full name is the Portable Document Format, Chinese is the Portable Document Format. PDF output is the original essence of the PostScript code into a database page, you can document the original fonts, images, vector objects into a variety of uses for the file format. In other words, the same file can be applied to different output modes, such as digital, imposition, output film, CTP, digital printing, on-line transmission, such as browsing and e-books.

PDF after a decade of development, has undergone five phases, from 92 years to today PDF1.0 version PDF1.4, and more There is a high-end versions such as PDF / X and so on, different versions of the following table is a comparison of the ability to support color. PDF1.3 and PDF1.4 version due to support ICC color management, so in this version of Acrobat 5.0 to focus on dealing with the issue of color.

Acrobat 1.0 (PDF 1.0) Acrobat 2.0
(PDF 1.1)
Acrobat 3.0
(PDF 1.2)
Acrobat 4.0
(PDF 1.3)
Acrobat 5.0
(PDF 1.4)
transmitters Year 1993 1994 1996 1999 2001
color mode support RGB RGB CMYK


and spot-color

limited support

ICC Color Management

full ICC color management support
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