3 PDF document generation At present, the generation of PDF, there are two ways: The way through printing to generate PDF, is through a virtual PDF printer to the application of text and graphics commands (such as under windows or Mac command gdi under QuicK-Draw command) is converted to PDF command and save documents in PDF , see Figure 4. Installed Adobe Acrobat PDF writer, the theory with all printing applications will be able to print to print the contents of PDF documents. However, the current generation of Chinese PDF documents are still many problems.
Conversion from PS to PDF is another way to generate PDF, it is the first question from the application print the contents of fat into the PS file, Adobe Acrobat Distiller from the PS file will be converted into PDF files, see Figure 5. PDF generation of the two methods have advantages and disadvantages. PDF generated by printing the advantages and applications can be closely integrated with the user appears to be generated directly from the application PDF, but the drawback is that as a result of gdi instruction set and instruction set QuicK-Draw the limitations of its own, it is difficult to generate accurate PDF . Conversion from PS to PDF While the process to work together more, but the PS has a high-precision description of their ability to generate the PDF can be printed-class quality and accuracy. Generate PDF documents, users can use Acrobat exchange or reader to read and print. You can also use PDF files Acrobat exchange to increase the reduction as if the page, hyperlinks, bookmarks (or directory), the Notes and other interactive properties. Adobe provide a tool used to generate PDF there are aspects of Chinese support. If we do not support Chinese font download, Chinese show the dependence on the operating system and so on. Well-known system developers Laser Phototypesetting Chinese Founder Group will launch the full support of the recent Chinese PDF generation tool.