在Adobe Acrobat中打开文档后选择表单工具,描述你的第一个表单字段(First Name)。
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Response.Buffer = true%> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0"> <% ' ' Retrieve the user responses ' FirstName = Request.form("txtFirstName") MI = Request.form("txtMI") LastName = Request.form("txtLastName") SS1 = Request.form("txtSocial1") SS2 = Request.form("txtSocial2") SS3 = Request.form("txtSocial3") StreetAddress = Request.form("txtStreetAddress") City = Request.form("txtCity") State = Request.form("txtState") Zip = Request.form("txtZip") FilingStatus = Request.form("radFilingStatus") Allowances = Request.form("txtAllowances") Additional = Request.form("txtAdditional") Exempt = Request.form("chkExempt") If Exempt = "on" Then Exempt = "EXEMPT" Else Exempt = "" End If ' ' Create an instance of the Object ' Set FdfAcx = Server.CreateObject("FdfApp.FdfApp") ' ' Use the fdfApp to feed the vars ' Set myFdf = FdfAcx.FDFCreate ' ' Stuff the variables ' myFdf.fdfsetvalue "FirstName", FirstName, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "MI", MI, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "LastName", LastName, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "SS1", SS1, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "SS2", SS2, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "SS3", SS3, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "StreetAddress", StreetAddress, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "City", City, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "State", State, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "Zip", Zip, false If FilingStatus = 1 Then MyFdf.fdfsetValue "StatusSingle", "X", false End If If FilingStatus = 2 Then MyFdf.fdfsetValue "StatusMarried", "X", false End If If FilingStatus = 3 Then MyFdf.fdfsetValue "MarriedBut", "X", false End If myFdf.fdfsetvalue "Allowances", Allowances, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "Additional", Additional, false myFdf.fdfsetvalue "Exempt", Exempt, false ' ' Point to your pdf file ' myFDF.fdfSetFile "http://www.servername.com/workorder/w4.pdf" Response.ContentType = "text/html" ' ' Save it to a file. If you were going to save the actual file past the point of printing ' You would want to create a naming convention (perhaps using social in the name) ' Have to use the physical path so you may need to incorporate Server.mapPath in ' on this portion. ' myFDf.FDFSaveToFile "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\workorder\CheckThis.fdf" ' Now put a link to the file on your page. Response.Write "<a href=http://www.servername.com/workorder/CheckThis.fdf>pdf</A>" ' ' Close your Objects ' myfdf.fdfclose set fdfacx = nothing %>