A, ADDRESS, COLUMN, ROW 1, ADDRESS for line in accordance with a given and marked out, the establishment of the cell types of the text of the address. The form of its syntax: ADDRESS (row_num, column_num, abs_num, a1, sheet_text) Row_num quoted refers to the use of cell line number. Column_num cell reference refers to the use of the standard out. Return Abs_num specified reference types, 1 representative of an absolute reference, 2 representatives of the absolute line number, the relative standard out, the representative of the relative line number 3 is definitely marked out, 4 for the relative reference. A1 to A1 or R1C1 reference specified in the logic of the value of style. If A1 is TRUE or omitted, ADDRESS function to return to A1-style reference; if A1 is FALSE, return ADDRESS function R1C1 reference style. Sheet_text as a text, specified as an external reference the name of the worksheet, if omitted sheet_text, do not use any form of work. To put it simply, that is, ADDRESS (line number, column subscript, reference types, reference style, worksheet name) For example, ADDRESS (4,5,1, FALSE, "[Book1] Sheet1") equivalent to "[Book1] Sheet1! R4C5" See Figure 1
Grammatical form: COLUMN (reference) Reference needs to be listed as the subject or range of cells. If you omit the reference, is assumed to be located on the COLUMN function of the reference cell. If the reference to a range and level of function as a COLUMN array input, the COLUMN function will be marked out in reference to the level of the array to return the form. Reference can not be invoked, however a number of regions. 3, ROW invoked for the return of a given line number. Grammatical form: ROW (reference) Reference for the needs of its line number or range of cells. If you omit the reference, it is assumed that the ROW is a function of the reference cell is located. If the reference to a range, and ROW functions as a vertical array of input, the ROW function to the line number reference to the form of a vertical array to return. Reference but not quoted on a number of areas. |