Second, AREAS, COLUMNS, INDEX, ROWS 1, AREAS invoked for the return of the number contained in the region. One area that the continuous cell or a cell group. The form of its syntax AREAS (reference) Reference to a particular cell or range reference, can also quote a number of regions. If you need to quote a few designated as a parameter, you must use brackets. 2, COLUMNS invoked for the return of the array or the number of rows. Its grammatical form of COLUMNS (array) Array needs to be listed as the number of arrays, array formulas or reference range. 3, ROWS invoked for the return of the number of rows or arrays. The form of its syntax ROWS (array) Array for the number of rows need to be array, the array formula or reference range. Examples of these functions see Figure 2
Function INDEX () There are two forms: array and reference. Array of forms or numerical values are usually returned to the array; quote form usually quoted return. (1) INDEX (array, row_num, column_num) return an array specified in the cell or cell array of values. Array constants for the range or array. Row_num for a line array in the line number, function return value from the line. Column_num for array out of a list of serial numbers, function return value from the list. It must be noted that Row_num and column_num must be a point in the array of cells, otherwise INDEX function returns an error value # REF!. (2) INDEX (reference, row_num, column_num, area_num) cited the return of specified cell or range reference. Reference to one or more of the reference range. Row_num quoted lines in a line number, function returns a line from the quote. Column_num quoted in a column out of the serial number from the function returns a reference list. It must be noted that Row_num, column_num and reference must point to area_num cells; Otherwise, the INDEX function to return the error value # REF!. If omitted row_num and column_num, return INDEX function specified by the regional area_num. |