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EXCEL skills
The seven methods for excel text convert to digital
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when the import in another program (such as dBASE or Lotus 1-2-3) files created or imported from the mainframe to download the file, Excel 2003 may be some of the figures identified as text. This will lead to certain functions (such as SUM and AVERAGE) cells to ignore these values. In addition to digital conversion, these text strings may also contain a copy of the real characters. How the text is converted to digital?

worksheet to the text is converted to digital, you can use in this article described methods.

the attention of each method were assumed you have any cell changes in digital format the cell as "conventional." To do this, follow these steps:

1. In the "Format" menu, click "cells."

2. in the "number" tab, click "Category" under the "General", and then click "OK."

Method 1: In the cell value to re-type

cells to re-type the value, follow these steps:

1. In the "Format" menu, click the "cell", and then click the "digital" tab, change the number format of cells.

2. to re-type figures.

Method 2: In the cell directly edit

to directly editing within the cell, follow these steps:

1. In the "Tools" menu, click "Options."

2. In the "Edit" tab, verify that selected the "direct editing within the cell" check box.

click "OK."

3. Double-click to set the cell format, and then press Enter.

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