If you edit a presentation using Word, you need formula and the results are listed in the document. You do not come up calculator or a recourse to "Start" menu "annex" in the "Calculator", Word2007 has you ready for a "calculation" tool. one, how to "calculate" tool tune up? Although Word2007 provided "calculation" tool, but it seems a bit ashamed because the function is simple and to see people's taste, so "calculated" diamond in the rough. To use, first to be invited out of the mountains, as follows: 1. Right-click the Quick Access Toolbar, and then from the shortcut menu, click "Customize Quick Access Toolbar."
2. In the "Choose commands from" box, click the "Not in the Ribbon command," and then in the following order list, locate and click the "calculate" and then click "Add" button .
3. "OK" button. At this point, "Calculate" button in the Quick Access Toolbar. If you no longer need after the "calculate" button, you can right-click the button, and then from the pop-up shortcut menu, click "Remove from Quick Access Toolbar" to remove it.
2, "computing" tools for the role of in Word2007 document, the "computing" tools for the selection as a mathematical expression and calculates the results, then the status bar displayed at the same time the results copied to the "clipboard" in the. "Calculation" tool can only perform simple four runs, which supports the operation symbol ranked by priority as follows: 1 .()-- brackets, support nesting. 2. ^ - power operations, such as (3 ^ 2). 3 .*,/-- multiplication, division, such as 3 * 3,3 / 3. 4 .-,+-- subtraction, addition operations, such as 3-1,3 +1. 3, "calculating" use of the tools know the above, "computing" and also very easy to use. For example, you can type the formula in the document "44 ^ (2 / 3) +989 * 7-956" and then select the formula, and then click the Quick Access Toolbar "Calculate" button to the left side in the status bar see the results. As the results have been copied to the "clipboard", so you can also use the "Paste" command to insert the results into the document it!