after, it will automatically convert the file you want converted into a PDF format.
However, in the design industry, the use of the vast majority of coreldraw9.0 version, so as a result of the conversion process did not enter coreldraw9.0 the PDF format and can not be the same as the 12.0 direct conversion, very often we do not want to just because a certain time use and installation of new things, whether there is any way to format the cdr of coredraw9.0 converted into PDF format then? Solution of course, it has been! The method according to the following can be achieved! Step1: install adobe acrobat5.0 above, it is necessary to convert the PDF format, this adobe professional software company that is not essential, yet this software acrobat and do not translate directly into cdr format, when you use direct conversion, there will be the following error, the following chart: (the following is used acrobat7.0) ![]() |