NotesiText support for different styles of the Notes. u text of the Notes: you can add a small section of text to your document, but it is not part of document content, title and content of the Notes are: Annotation a = new Annotation ( "authors", "Maybe it's because I wanted to be an author myself that I wrote iText ."); u external link Notes: you need to specify a clickable rectangle and a string (URL description), or URL object: Annotation annot = new Annotation (100f, 700f, 200f, 800f, new URL ( "http://www.lowagie.com ")); Annotation annot = new Annotation (100f, 700f, 200f, 800f, "http://www.lowagie.com "); u external PDF file link Notes: you need to specify a clickable rectangle and a string (file name) and the purpose of a document or page. Annotation annot = new Annotation (100f, 700f, 200f, 800f, "other.pdf", "mark "); Annotation annot = new Annotation (100f, 700f, 200f, 800f, "other.pdf", 2); u link specified acts Notes you need to specify a clickable rectangle and a specified act: Annotation annot = new Annotation (100f, 700f, 200f, 800f, PdfAction.FIRSTPAGE); u link to the Notes application: you need to specify a clickable rectangle and an application: Annotation annot = new Annotation (300f, 700f, 400f, 800f, "C://winnt/notepad.exe", null, null, null); we no longer need to specify a location on the page, iText will be dealt with in house. IText you can add text notes to see the page below the current location, the first after the first line in the following paragraph, the second in the end the following phrases. Notesneed to specify all the other would like to match the rectangular area in the sample code in 0304, we drew a number of squares (using the function described in Chapter X), for each square to add a number of links to Notes. |