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Chapter XI local and turn in different places, goals and summary

local steering

Sometimes you need a document to allow readers to a place from the Jump to links to another place, you can type Chunk of setLocalGoto and setLocalDestination two ways to achieve, for example:

Chunk localgoto = new Chunk ( "this word", FontFactory.getFont (FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, Font.NORMAL, new Color (0, 0, 255))). setLocalGoto ( "test ");

Chunk destination = new Chunk ( "local destination", FontFactory.getFont (FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, Font.NORMAL, new Color (0, 255, 0))). setLocalDestination ( "test ");

see sample code 1101.

turn in different places

in Chapter 3, we demonstrate how to turn an anchor to other URL, an anchor through the different fonts, styles and colors, can contain different Chunks, in the High iText applications, the following link to the definition of URL of other ways:

Chunk chunk = new Chunk ( "anchor", FontFactory.getFont (FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12)). setAnchor (new URL ( "http://www.lowagie.com/iText/"));

PDF documents

u go to the designated location

in the document if you specify a destination, you can jump from another document to be here for the realization of this feature, you can use:

setRemoteGoto:Chunk chunk = new Chunk ( "jump", FontFactory.getFont (FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, Font.ITALIC)). setRemoteGoto ( "test.pdf", "test "));

test.pdf is a separate pdf file, "test" is a destination of the document.

Jump to another page PDF document specified

use setRemoteGoto, instead of using the page parameter name parameter can be set very easily jump a specified page document:

chunk = new Chunk ( "jump", FontFactory.getFont (FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, Font.ITALIC)). setRemoteGoto ( "test.pdf", 3 ));

see sample code 1102

u start an application

can use the following methods to start an application:

public PdfAction (String application, String parameters, String operation, String defaultDir)

If the application for the "c:/winnt/notepad.exe" (the remaining parameters can be null), you can link to PDF file to start the Notepad program.

u files and URL

If you want to Jump to another document or URL, you need through one of the following to create a constructor:

PdfAction (String filename, String name);

PdfAction (String filename, int page);

PdfAction (URL url);

PdfAction (String url);

the first two constructor allows you to jump to a file or page number of the specified location, the latter two constructor allows you to jump to other URL's.

the rest of the


Chapter XII events page and tables


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