2, FILTERiT4.1 the point of alignment tools
FILTERiT4.1 plug-ins will be installed in the toolbox of a point more alignment tools, alignment tool for point-of-use can be the anchor of choice (one or more) aligned to a reference anchor. The use of this tool and use the menu "object - the path - the average" is not the same, is to use the menu command to choose the coordinates of the anchor position in the choice of the average of the anchor, but can not be located in a designated anchor . Choice of anchor, click the Align tool, the cursor will become a + shape, + character at the base will anchor click, all the choice of the abscissa on the alignment of the anchor in the anchor base; hold down the Shift key + click the anchor at the base word, all the selection anchor on the alignment of the longitudinal coordinates of the anchor base. Can not choose to anchor the base of the anchor.
3, the use of Transform Palette positioning coordinates of the target alignment
choose an object, click the Transform transfer of reference points on the board, you can display the coordinates of the reference point value, enter the X, Y positioning of the value object.
4, Align Palette - Align object
alignment button object from left to right are: the level of left-justified, the middle level of alignment, the level of the right alignment, vertical top alignment, vertical center alignment, vertical alignment at the end.
to consider if the alignment of the thickness of strokes, select Palette Menu Triangle - the border use the preview:
drawing board as the base alignment, then Triangle Palette menu choice - align to the drawing board, then click the Align button. Click on the middle level, such as alignment and vertical alignment center, the center in the drawing board. |